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Docmost is a monorepo which uses pnpm workspace and nx. This is a guide on how to set it up for local development.

Project structure

├── apps
│ ├── client // React frontend
│ └── server // Nestjs backend
└── packages
└── editor-ext // package for editor extensions

The frontend client is developed using Vite and React, with the user interface powered by the Mantine UI library. The backend server is built using the Nest.js framework.


To run Docmost, you'll need the following:

  • Node.js: >= 18
  • Postgres: >= 13
  • Redis

Development setup

Make sure you have pnpm installed npm install -g pnpm.

$ git clone
$ cd docmost
$ pnpm install
$ cp .env.exmaple .env

Make sure to update the .env file.

Build the editor package first

$ pnpm nx run @docmost/editor-ext:build


# run in development watch mode
$ pnpm nx run client:dev


# run in watch mode
$ pnpm nx run server:start:dev

# development
$ pnpm nx run server:start

Build project

$ pnpm build

This will build all the necessary packages. You can run the built server and client using pnpm nx run server:start. The project will run on http://localhost:3000.
Check the package.json of each app to learn more about all the available commands.


During development, you have to run the latest migrations manually. These are the usefully migration commands.

# To run all pending database migrations
$ pnpm nx run server:migration:latest

# To run one migration up
$ pnpm nx run server:migration:up

# To run one migration down
$ pnpm nx run server:migration:down

# To drop all migrations
$ pnpm nx run server:migration:reset

# To create new empty migration file.
$ pnpm nx run server:migration:create migration_name_here

Migrations are stored inside the apps/server/src/database/migrations directory.

The project does not make use of any ORM. We use the Kysely query builder to build typesafe sql queries.

Ps: If you wish to make code contributions to Docmost, you will need to accept our Contributor License Agreement (CLA).